Master-Semiar: Seminar Operations Management & Research

At the Institute of Production Management, one seminar is offered in the winter term and one in the summer term. Due to different coursenumbers, the seminar can be taken twice even though it has the same title in both semesters. We recommend taking the seminar in the second and third semester of the master's program.

  • Summer Term 2024 (376055)
    General features
    Title Seminar Operations Management & Research
    Course number 376055
    In semester Summer term 2024
    Rhythm of offer Summer and winter term
    Framework topic Operations Management & Research
    Target audience

    Master students WiWi + WiIng

    Number of seats No limitation
    Language German or English
    Venue Internal seminar
    Practice partner


    Rhythm of events Block event
    Preparation of the term paper During the lecture period
    Information on topic allocation Will be announced in advance via Stud.IP.
    Requirements and Support
    Required prior knowledge Knowledge of Operations Research and programming (GAMS, Python, etc.)
    Supporting course for the introduction to scientific work Supporting materials for scientific work will be provided via Stud.IP and in the course "Einführung in das wissenschaftliche Arbeiten am Institut für Produktionswirtschaft"
    Formal requirements Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers are provided in the Stud.IP.
    General literature -
    Basic literature for introduction per topic Yes
    Used special software GAMS / Python
    Recommended word processing software LaTex (Download template)
    Number of pages essay 15
    Outline discussions at least One
    Performance requirements / assessment incl. weighting Submission of a seminar paper, attendance obligation during the lecture events, oral participation
    Examiner Prof. Dr. Helber
    Contact Prof. Dr. Helber
    Group Work and Topic Assignment
    Group work No
    Group size -
    Process for group composition -
    Topics Topics will be announced at the beginning of each semester
    Procedure for assigning topics Preference-based
    Type of advance notification None
    Pre-registration / Application -
    Preliminary discussion / presentation of topics In the first week of lectures
    Subject assignment In the first week of lectures
    Binding registration In the first week of lectures
    Start of processing In the first week of lectures
    Submission of seminar paper 6 weeks later
    Delivery of the presentation -
    Presentation event At the end of the semester
  • Winter Term 2024/2025 (376056)

    Seminar-Fact sheet

    General features
    Title Seminar Operations Management & Research
    Course number 376056
    In semester Winter term 2024/2025
    Rhythm of offer Summer and winter term
    Framework topic Operations Management & Research
    Target audience

    Master students WiWi + WiIng

    Number of seats No limitation
    Language German or English
    Venue Internal seminar
    Practice partner


    Rhythm of events Block event
    Preparation of the term paper During the lecture period
    Information on topic allocation Will be announced in advance via Stud.IP.
    Requirements and Support
    Required prior knowledge Knowledge of Operations Research and programming (GAMS, Python, etc.)
    Supporting course for the introduction to scientific work Supporting materials for scientific work will be provided via Stud.IP
    Formal requirements Guidelines for the preparation of scientific papers are provided in the Stud.IP.
    General literature -
    Basic literature for introduction per topic Yes
    Used special software GAMS / Python
    Recommended word processing software LaTex (Download template)
    Number of pages essay 15
    Outline discussions at least One
    Performance requirements / assessment incl. weighting Submission of a seminar paper, attendance obligation during the lecture events, oral participation
    Examiner Prof. Dr. Helber
    Contact Prof. Dr. Helber
    Group Work and Topic Assignment
    Group work No
    Group size -
    Process for group composition -
    Topics Topics will be announced at the beginning of each semester
    Procedure for assigning topics Preference-based
    Type of advance notification None
    Pre-registration / Application -
    Preliminary discussion / presentation of topics In the first week of lectures
    Subject assignment In the first week of lectures
    Binding registration In the first week of lectures
    Start of processing In the first week of lectures
    Submission of seminar paper 6 weeks later
    Delivery of the presentation -
    Presentation event At the end of the semester

Seminar allocation

Seminars are usually allocated in the first week of lectures. A few days before the allocation, you will receive an overview of the topics on Stud.IP. In the course of this, the preference input will be activated on this website so that you can enter a preference for each topic. The assignment of topics and students then takes place in the seminar allocation


Notes on the Allocation of Seminar Topics

At the Institute of Production Management, the topics for the seminars are distributed on a preference basis. For this purpose, we require personal data and your preference values for the seminar topics.

Our privacy policy applies.