M. Sc. Jörn Serrer

30167 Hannover
and by appointment

Thu. 13:00 - 15:00 Appointment via Stud.IP
and by appointment
Focus of Research
- Hydrogen infrastructure at airports
- Mathematical modeling
- Development of algorithms and heuristic solution methods
Curriculum Vitae
Since 05/2023
Leibniz University Hannover
Institute of Production Management
Research associate
10/2018 - 07/2023
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Language Centre
Lecturer for Norwegian
11/2021 - 08/2022
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Chair for Operations Management
Student Assistant -
Educational Background
Since 05/2023
Leibniz University Hannover
Doctoral Studies: Economics and Management
Research field: Operations Research
10/2019 - 03/2023
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Business Administration (M.Sc.)
Specialization in Supply Chain Managment: Operations Management
08/2017 - 01/2018
Universitetet i Agder Kristiansand
Norwegen Erasmus+ Semester Abroad
10/2015 - 09/2019
Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Business Administration (B.Sc.)
Specialization in Supply Chain Managment: Management Science
09/2007 - 07/2015
Heimschule Lender Sasbach
A-levels -
Since 05/2022
Alumni Jenenses e.V.
Board of the Alumni Association of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration Jena
Courses Winter Term 2024/2025:
Past Courses: